Friday, July 11, 2014

Jocelyn's Kindergarten Gradution

Jocelyn Graduated from Kindergarten on  Wednesday, June 11. Scott  and I were able to attend her ceremony. She was so happy to have us there, especially her dad! 
There are 3 Kindergarten classes at Chesnut Hill and Jocelyn's  teacher was Mrs. Dimmer.  She was a a wonderful lady, who really enjoyed having Jocelyn in her class.
Here is Joce walking in with her class.

We sat through a little program. The teachers read a proem to the parents about the kids, the children sang a few songs and then they presented the graduates. The principal  announced each student while a teacher presented each of their students with a Kindergarten certificate and a handshake to congratulate them. After there was a neat slideshow showing pictures of all the kids throughout the school year. Jocelyn was in several of them. After the program, the families were invited to have a picnic lunch with their student.

Each teacher also choose one student from their class who demonstrated good citizenship through out the year. Jocelyn was chosen from Mrs. Dimmers Class.   Mrs. Dimmer said she was the most kind and considerate of all her child. Awesome!

Joce and Mrs. Dimmer
 We took lots of pictures of her friends, but there were too many to put on here.
Joce took us back to her classroom  so Scott could see  it. This is such a cute pictures of  Joce and her dad. And of course Ethen is in the background looking at toys.

 Had to get one of me and her too.

Good job Joce! You're off to1st grade. You are so stinkin Cute!

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