Thursday, July 24, 2014

Father's Day

This year for Father's Day, I decided to go all out for Scott and really try to make it a special day for him. He has been working so hard and has been so stressed out from  all the study he deserved a day fill with things that he would enjoy. We did a BBQ theme Father's Day. The kids made handmade cards.  I bought him a small BBQ, because I know he misses  being able to cook outside. I got together a basket full of BBQ items like: hot dogs, seasonings & sauces,  BBQ flavored snack foods, and Cooking magazines. I Even found these really awesome BBQ decorated cupcakes on pintrest to make. They turned out really awesome. Scott was very impressed with the cupcakes.  He doesn't impress easily either, so  I deserve a pat on the back  for sure.  It was a very nice day and it was a good break for Scott to spend some time with us to celebrate him. We love you Scott!!

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