Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dad & Me

Here's to my wonderful dad! With all the moving, unpacking,  and site seeing that we did while me parents where with us, I forgot to do a Father's Day celebration while he was here.  He did get his card the few weeks earlier, but I was really wanting to do something when they were with us. Even though we didn't get an official celebration in, my dad knows that I love him! And I LOVE these pictures of the two of us! I don't have many of just me and him since I have grown older. So these are pretty special for me to have. 

I really miss being close to my parents and being able to call him when we need something. He can fix, mend, repair, build, or rig just about anything we  needed.   He has always been so thoughtful in giving/sacrificing time, money,  and talent to helping others. The best example of serving others  as I was growing up.  With each move we have had, we couldn't have done it without my dad's help, or my mom either.  He is there for us even  though we are cross the country at the present time.
Love my dad and proud to be his daughter!  Your Awesome.   Miss you all the time.  XOXO

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