Monday, July 14, 2014

Dinosaur Discovery

One of the last things the kids and I did before moving to Ohio, was to see the Dinosaurs exhibit called Discover Dinosaurs. These tickets were very expensive!  The  local TV, News, and radio Ads all made it sound  like a huge event with amazing activities and sights.  It sounded awesome. I was really excited to take the kids and planned on spending  about half the day. 
  We got their when the doors opened and waited in line with  lots of others. When we finally got inside we found out that we didn't even have to wait in line because we bought tickets on line.   The first part of the exhibit is where we walked through 8 different scenes featuring lots of different dino's in their natural habitat. Lots of fun facts and really loud sounds. I enjoyed this part, but it only took us about 20 minutes.

 We took lots of pictures, but there are only a few of them posted. 
All of the Dinosaurs are life size.  The kids knew many of the different types of dinos. I was impressed with how much they have learned by watching PBS'  Dinosaur Train. They made all sorts of sounds and many of them moved their heads, tails, and or arms.  It was  awesome.

 I think this dinosaur might eat us, and  Ethen needs a hair cut.

There were also fossil tables where the kids could brush away sand to reveal the dino bones and other sea creature fossils.

Hey mom, can I have a stegosaurus, this one likes me?

 We really liked the T-rex, triceratops, and my favorite the brontosaurus which is now called the Apotosaurus)

 The second part of the  event was a huge merchandise store, where my kids begged me to buy just about every little thing they saw.  They got nothing. The tickets were so much there was no way I could afford to buy any souvenir . Beyond that there  were large inflatable bounce houses, a coloring station,  miniature golf, and dinosaur rides. I felt like I was at  an amusement park. We stood in lines for 30 minutes or more for the inflatable bounce houses and for the dino rides. I bought the tickets that aloud kids to ride, bounce, and play as much as they want. But with so many people there it was not  worth waiting in line 30-40 minutes for a 2 minute experience. So for that reason it was not really worth the money. We did go on everything once and that was all they were able to tolerate.

 Elizabeth tried miniature golf and not all that impressed with their course.

 These riding Dinosaurs were really cool, they moved up and down and back and forth.

 Me and Joce by the Bronto's

 Ethen loved this dinosaur character! They played, danced, and pretend fought for a good 5 minutes.  
He probably had the most fun doing this than anything else that was there.

Look at these two nerds  climbing on the statue. So silly!

All and all I'm glad that we got to go, but it was way over priced! We were able to see and do a few fun things, but wished we could have done more stuff.  Just too many people on Opening day.

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