Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jocelyn's Hello Kitty party

We finally celebrated Jocelyn's 6th birthday with friends 2 weeks after her birthday.
I asked her what kind of a party she wanted and she said a "cat" party.  Hello Kitty popped into my head and she loved the idea. I love the Hello Kitty theme too. It's really popular right now so it was really easy to find lot of fun ideas and things for the party. In fact, there were so many wonderful and fun things I had  a hard time not wanting to do everything and buy everything  I saw.  
Decoration: Pink and more pink. Pink balloons,  pink banner, and Hello kitty posters.
Food: Pink milk ,Hello Kitty birthday cake and Hello Kitty Popsicle
Activities: 2 crafts and 3 games
9 friends were invited. Party of 11 fun, silly, and excited girls. (ages from 4 to 10)
We introduced Hello Kitty and Jocelyn. After the girls had to go on a treasure hunt to find 5 things that belong to Hello kitty. Each of these things was  either part of a game or craft that we would be doing. 
Jocelyn got to pick  an item out of her bag and we would do that game or craft. 
1-cat collar: decorate their own cat collar
2-goldfish- toss the fish into the goldfish bowl
3-ball of yarn- musical chair type game
4-Hello kitty picture- panting project
5-pink bow- pin the bow on Hello Kitty

When all the games and crafts were done, we had Popsicle, cake and pink milk. Parents stated coming and we still had presents. While I got goody bags ready, Joce tore through presents. so wasn't able to really see what she  received from friends until after  the all left.
The girls had so much fun!!  Jocelyn had a wonderful time and received some really  great presents. I'm really glad that we had this special party for her. she really needed it.
Because I was busy getting things ready for the party, I was not able to get pictures before the party started. And I was so busy during the party I didn't get any pictures of the girls  then either. All of my pictures below was after the fact, but at least I was able to get a few. Wish I had one of the cake.

 These little bags turned out so great! I love them. But man they took forever to make. They used the bags to  hold their treasure hunt items. After the party they took their goodies home in it.

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