Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jocelyn birthday

Jocelyn turned 6 on the 1st of September.  She was very excited to open presents that came from grandma Pam and  nana and papa. But she had to wait till after church. The primary forgot to sing happy birthday to her so she was a little sad they forgot. 
Presents from family made up for it. She opened the big present from nana an papa and found the LalaOoppsie she really wanted, Mermaid Gilly. She loves mermaids and this made her very happy.

 Jocelyn now has 4 LalaLoopsie dolls and Elizabeth is beginning to show her jealousy. Elizabeth has two, but thinks she needs more as well.

 While dad freed the doll, Jocelyn opened her envelop from grandma Pam. A cute card, stickers, and money! I think Jocelyn has more money than me. She's scheming about what she wants to get with it.

We were going to make her cake, but out neighbors brought over brownies and the day before we made brownies to share  at a back to school celebration with friends. so we had a lot of brownies to eat. She was fine with brownies. We sang happy birthday and  pigged out on brownies. It was a good day. She is still looking forward to her birthday party this weekend. We hope to have a few friends and celebrate Hello Kitty style.

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