Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lake Erie Beach

I have really come to enjoy our time spent at the Erie Peninsula beach. It's not very often that we have warm, dry weather in which we can take advantage of the sun, water, and sand.  And to have such a clear day to see all the way over to Canada.  The weather is starting to  cool, so we find every chance we can to go and play in the water and sand.  We love to pack up our lunch, toys, books, and what ever we can find and haul it over to the peninsula. The water is not too cold and the kids love playing in it. We will stay for 3 or 4 hours on good warm days. 
There  about 8 different beaches along the peninsula, we have been to all of them. But our favorite one is beach 1. We have found that this beach has beach glass.  It has become our new  favorite treasure to hunt for. So far we have found clear, brown, green, and blue glass (which is the rarest of all) .  Most of our finds are quite small, a few larger ones about the size of a dime, but put all together it's impressive to look at. Don't know what I will do with it yet, but it will most likely become some kind of beach themed craft. I've collected a few pieced of bleached, distressed drift wood that I would also like to turn into something too. So many possibilities. 

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