Saturday, September 14, 2013

Let's go fly a kite!

We have this huge side yard that they kids love to play in. We have yet to buy kites and fly them. So when my girls and a few of the neighbor kids were trying to tie together twigs and strings and tape paper towels to it, I felt like it was time to go get some kites. I found kites on clearance at Target for  .50 cents. That's a great deal in my book, so I bought 3. The kids were so excited to tear open the kites and put them together.
Well, we gave it ago, but Jocelyn was just too impatient. She couldn't quite run fast enough to get it up, so  she gave up and when in. She'd rather play  video games any way. Elizabeth could get her kite up,but could never manage to  get it to stay in the air more then 15 or 20 seconds. The plastic fame just seemed too flimsy. Ethen's frame was made of wood and flew like a champ. He had such a great time. Elizabeth  and I would get it up in the air and hand it off to him to hold. He loved it and had a wonderful time watching it dance in the sky. 
It was a lot of fun, and we hope to try it again soon and on a day that's not so hot and humid. We felt like we were melting by the time we went in.

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