Thursday, December 20, 2012

Santa came to preschool

Santa came to Jocelyn's preschool today.  Parents were invited to come and see Santa deliver their gift.
I had to drop off a gift a week earlier for the big day.  Jocelyn and Elizabeth really love playing with the polly pocket size Disney princess  Santa brought Joce another princess, Snow White.  

 Both of our girls are not sure about the whole Santa thing. This Santa was okay, but after school  Joce was sure to let me know that he was not the real Santa.  I told her he was a helper because Santa is really busy to come and visit.

 The best part of our visit was that Scott was able to come too. Jocelyn was quite excited that her dad was finally able to come and see her preschool. It's great to have him back for two weeks.  The kids really miss him be able to come and see them perform or be involved in the things they are doing.

 After each student sat on Santa's lap and received their gift they got to open them. Jocelyn brought her gift to us to take home. Scott  took it and looked at it.  I forgot to take off the price tag from K-mart. Good thing she can't read yet. She was very exited to get another princess. And she will be even more excited when she gets the other she lots a few months ago at Christmas.   I couldn't pass up a buy get one 1/2 off. They were really cheap.

This was her last day  and now she's off for Christmas vacation. Now what to do with two kids home all day? Need to plan some activities. Merry Christmas Joce!

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