Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Card

Merry Christmas!
Here we are another Christmas away from home. How we miss being back in Utah with all of our family.  But at least we will get some snow for Christmas being out here in Pennsylvania. This is the first year that we put up our tree right after Thanksgiving.  Although, our poor  fake tree may not make it another year with Ethen trying to climb the darn thing.  And only half the tree decorated, the top half where he can't reach.  So far only two broken glass decoration and ball ornaments  (plastic thank goodness). I have now put everything else away if I want it to make it to further Christmas'.  We  have made lots of paper crafts, watched a few moves on netflix., and attended our ward Christmas party. The kids did wonderful singing their primary song.  We hope to still drive the neighborhoods to see lights,  do some caroling, and snow sledding (when it finally snows!) on Christmas break.   We have received several packages from family and the kids can't wait to open them.   The best part will be having Scott around for a whole two weeks. He may get sick of us  and want to go back to school by then. (haha) 
We want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and lots of love this season. Happy new year wishes too!

Nichole, Scott, Liz, Joce, and Ethen

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Cute pictures. Your kids have gotten so big. I thought Ethen was still a baby! Keep us posted on life in PA
