Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

The kids were very excited for Christmas. Packages started coming from family a week before.  They stayed in the boxes until Christmas eve and kids went to bed. We were surprised at how many gifts there were under the tree.  Our families are wonderful! Our kids were able to enjoy many  fun and needed gifts.  
  Our girls have asked for a doll house for the past couple of years. This year Santa was able to bring one. It's very colourful and very inviting. It's  pretty tall as well.  Should be pretty sturdy and last a few years. If Ethen doesn't get to it and try to climb on it.  The girls were very excited to receive it.  It will get  played with a lot. 
 Ponies, dolls, snow clothes, legos, trucks, and trains were some of the  gifts the kids got to open.
 It was a bit of a whirl wind after all the gifts were open. Toys and paper every where.  
 Ethen loves Thomas the train.  He's been carrying his engine around the house most of the day.
 The girls are ready to play with their doll house. I hope we have room for it somewhere in their bedroom.
 The kids really wanted to go out and play in the snow. Now that they all have their snow gear I'm more willing to let them go out. Although I think the only thing missing is snow boots for Ethen.  Getting all the kids into their snow clothes is quite the job. It took a while to get them into everything. So I told them if they go out they better stay out for a while. If they come back in and take things off they were done. I'm not putting them on again.
 Ethen had a great time being out with the girls. And he looks great in he new jacket. kept him nice and warm.
 Now that Elizabeth has snow pants she's enjoying being able to lay down and make snow angles without getting her jeans all  wet and cold.  I can't  get Jocelyn to keep a beanie on her head.   She is always taking them off.
We are due for some more snow tomorrow. Not sure what we will get, but hope we do get more snow. We would love to get enough to go sledding  in.

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