Monday, December 24, 2012

finally some snow

It it almost Christmas and we have not really had any snow yet. We had a few snow showers in November, but nothing stuck to the ground. The weather was forecast for 12 or more inches of snow for the weekend. And well, this is what we got.
 Before we went to bed, we had a little bit of powder on the ground. We were all very anxious to wake up to a good foot of snow or more. But  when morning came all we found was 3 inches and big snow bank from our parking lot.
 The snow bank made up for the lack of snow. The kids had fun climbing on the  little hill and trying to slide down.  It's been a little disappointing  but at least we have a few inches of snow for Christmas.
 Elizabeth was so exited to  play in the snow. She was out there for hours. I could hardly get her to come in to eat lunch or dinner.
We keep waiting for the "Big" storm to come and bring us a few feet of snow.  Hope  we get some more pretty soon.                                                                                                                                                 

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