Tuesday, March 18, 2014

School Pictures

I don't know if other schools do this or not, but they take school pictures twice a year.  I only buy the  ones at the beginning of the school year. But why buy the second set when I can take a picture and send them back?!  They bring home these  pictures in hopes that you buy them when you see them. You can either buy all the pictures or just a few. Send back what you don't want.  I would never send a product home with students that were not paid for. I would think that they end up loosing out on a lot of money that way.
Anyway, I really like the backdrop for the pictures.  And they look a lot better than the first set of pictures they brought home at the beginning  of the year.  It's hard to take a photo of a picture. But these were to best of what I was able to take. Still some weird lighting on Joce's but it works for me.


1 comment:

  1. Those are very pretty!
    in Oklahoma we would get the whole packets sent home. I'd send them back too. One year Joshua had his packet come home again. His teacher said that the photo company never picked it up!?!?! So she just sent it home with him! For free.

    Here they just send a sample photo on the top of an order sheet with a logo across the photo.

    My kids unfortunately RARELY take good school photos. HeHe So we take first day of school pics and last day of school pics for the family scrapbook and then I get a photo with the kids and their teachers to make them a scrapbook photo page for them at the end of the year.
