Thursday, March 21, 2013

Turning 2

Ethen turned two on the 9th.   On his birthday he received a birthday card in the mail from Grandma Pam. He was very excited to open it. He opened the card and saw the money and yelled "money".  Not really sure if he understands what that means, but he knows money is something exciting.

 Here he is with his moo-la, carried it around the house with him most of the day. He's in PJ's now and still excited to have it. Now we need to  decide what to use it for, Shoes, PJ's, or candy if he had his way.

 A few weeks before this birthday,  Nana and papa sent birthday gifts for Ethen and Elizabeth. I was hoping to save the presents for his birthday party, but he knew the presents were up in the closet and wanted them. He would point upstairs and try to say presents. so I gave in on one Sunday and let him open one.

 And of course the sister were more than happy to help him open his present.  He still has one more, but it will have to wait until his birthday party or he won't have much to open.

 At Christmas Ethen  got two big trucks and now for his birthday he added a tractor. The three are a great set to play with together. They love using them with legos. It will be even more fun when it finally gets warm and we can take them to the beach and play with the in the  sand. 

Thank you grandma Pam and Nana and Papa!

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