Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mommy's Lil Helper

This little man is mommy's lil helper. I can always count on him to help me with the housework. He loves to help me vacuum,  fill and empty the dishwasher, and even help with laundry.  Just the mention of Vacuum and he goes running to the front room closet to try and pull it our for me. He will fight me for it until I let him have his turn. I have to let him vacuum the same spot for at least 10 minutes before he hands it off to me to finish the rest of the house.  

when it comes to laundry he get pretty angry if I try to take the basket of clothes downstairs without him.He loves throwing the clothes into the washer and bringing clean baskets of clothes back up stairs. Now if I can just get him to not throw the clean clothes out of the basket when I'm folding them or walking and knocking over my nicely folded stacks of clothes. Thank you little man. Now go tell your sisters to go clean their room!

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