Thursday, March 7, 2013

Center Piece

For young womens, we had a mother and daughter program. It was based of the book Beautiful a parable for women and young women.  The parable is about finding all  10 of the kings keys. Which would mean striving to find and develop 10 divine attributes that will help us become worthy to enter the kings kingdom.
I really wanted to decorate with keys and this is what i came  up with as our Center piece. Not to shabby for only $4.50. We decorated with blue and silver. Blue table cloth and silver plates and napkins. Made blue and silver buntings to hang around the room. I really wish I had brought my camera that night to take pictures. It turned out really nice. But at least I have a pictures of the center piece. It will look great on my front door. Can't wait to hang it for Spring.

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