Thursday, March 21, 2013

Early birthday gift

When you have a large box sitting in your closet and your kids know it's presents for them, it's hard to tell them "no" they have to wait for their birthday. I have been resisting for quite some time.  The presents have been in the closet since Valentines day and having to wait till the end of March has been hard for Elizabeth.

 I gave in and let her pick one of the two presents in the box. One to open two weeks before her birthday and other to wait till her birthday.  She was funny to  watch. Opened her card first and then the present.  She looked at it, puzzled, for some time before I had to tell her what it was.

And now comes the excitement of having your own MP3 player. She has been wanting one for the last year and finally she has one.We still have yet to load song on the  play, so for now she gets to listen to the radio. I think she  had that thing on for a whole 2 days straight. so to say the least, we had to set some rules for when she can listen to it and how long she can use it.   Happy early birthday Elizabeth! From Nana and Papa

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