Thursday, March 21, 2013

Play date Birthday

Happy Birthday Ethen! I invited some friends over from our ward to have a play date birthday. It was a Thomas the Train themed day. I had a lot of fun planning it,  but spent one whole day and almost all night throwing it together. Why I waited two days before to do it I'll never know.

 Ethen loves trains and we watch Thomas the Train or the "Little engine that Can" almost every day, so it was a perfect theme. I found lots of great ideas on pintrest and put many of the ideas together for one party. It was a great time.   The other mom's really enjoyed it too. Elizabeth even talked me into letting her stay home from school so that she could  be there for the party. I am glad she was there. It was a big help. But she had to go to school when we were done.

 As friends arrived, they each had to get a ticket and put their names on it. They had to keep their ticket the whole party because they would need to have their ticket punched to ride the train to each  activity station.
Here was our schedule for the day.  We kept pretty close to the schedule.

 Here are some of the decorations i made for the party. I tried to get the Thomas blue color with silver. It turned out pretty good I think.  A few buntings,  a  banner, Crossing signs, and very cool railroad track.

 A few days before the party  Ethen had a card in the mail from his great grandma and grandpa Staley.  I loved the card and since it was  Thomas the train, it was just perfect to use as part of my decorating.

 After all our friends had arrived and spent some time watching a movie and playing it was time to ride the train to our first destination: the Color A Train Station. Elizabeth was my conductor. I wish I had gotten a picture of her doing all this for me. She blow the train whistle and call all a board. the kids lined up on th tracks behind her. She  punched each ticket and took them around the track a time or two.Then they would end up at the dinning room table for the activity. they colored first and then when finished went back into the living.

 I would quickly clean up the station while Elizabeth would start  again. blow the whistle, line up the kids, punch their ticket and take around a time or two and arrive at the table for the next activity i had set out.
The second destination was the Build a Train station.  The kids did a great job on this one. using lots of shapes I had cut out and made a train. Glued it and used lots of stickers to decorate it.

He is a good shot of our train tracks. The kids loved marching around our house in a big cirle along the tracks and saying choo, choo. They were all so very cute.

 Our third destination was the Thomas play station. We played several games. Pin the funnel on Thomas, Sir Topham Hat Says, and  pass the train (hot potatoe)

   Color a Train Station

Build A Train Station

 Thomas Play Station 

 Ethen was the first to play pin the funnel on Thomas. Every child peaked under the mask to see. Ethen kept pulling all the funnels off that were not in the right spot and putting them where they should go. all the kids were able to  get some small candy items and Thomas tattoos for playing the games.

 After we played all the games it was time for cake and ice cream. 
The last destination was the Cake Station

 I ordered the cake from Giant Eagle and it was a wonderful cake! A marble Chocolate and vanilla with whipped cream frosting. I don't care much for frosting, but this one was really good. The mom's were impressed with it too. They all asked if I made the cake. They figured I was crafty so i must have made the cake too. Nope, no cake decorating for me. Not one of my talents.

 Ethen finally snatched the trains from off the cake. He was eyeing it since I first showed him the cake. They all ate cake and ice cream before lunch.  Dessert first is the way to go, right?!? When all the kids were done with cake and ice cream we headed into the living to open present.

 He received a nightlight puppy pillow pet. So cool. Now he can give his sisters back and have his own. He's been using Elizabeth's since she got it at Christmas. He loves it. 3 balls and some  bubbles. We'll have to wait for warmer weather to go use the bubbles. And now Ethen can have his own  bouncy balls to play with and not fight with his sisters over  their two pink and red ones.

  It was a really great play date. I am glad that friends were able to come over and join the fun. The weather was not very good, lots of snow, and soo cold, so I am grateful these gals were still willing to venture out and  be with us. Thank You to our friends for the fun morning!

Early birthday gift

When you have a large box sitting in your closet and your kids know it's presents for them, it's hard to tell them "no" they have to wait for their birthday. I have been resisting for quite some time.  The presents have been in the closet since Valentines day and having to wait till the end of March has been hard for Elizabeth.

 I gave in and let her pick one of the two presents in the box. One to open two weeks before her birthday and other to wait till her birthday.  She was funny to  watch. Opened her card first and then the present.  She looked at it, puzzled, for some time before I had to tell her what it was.

And now comes the excitement of having your own MP3 player. She has been wanting one for the last year and finally she has one.We still have yet to load song on the  play, so for now she gets to listen to the radio. I think she  had that thing on for a whole 2 days straight. so to say the least, we had to set some rules for when she can listen to it and how long she can use it.   Happy early birthday Elizabeth! From Nana and Papa

Turning 2

Ethen turned two on the 9th.   On his birthday he received a birthday card in the mail from Grandma Pam. He was very excited to open it. He opened the card and saw the money and yelled "money".  Not really sure if he understands what that means, but he knows money is something exciting.

 Here he is with his moo-la, carried it around the house with him most of the day. He's in PJ's now and still excited to have it. Now we need to  decide what to use it for, Shoes, PJ's, or candy if he had his way.

 A few weeks before this birthday,  Nana and papa sent birthday gifts for Ethen and Elizabeth. I was hoping to save the presents for his birthday party, but he knew the presents were up in the closet and wanted them. He would point upstairs and try to say presents. so I gave in on one Sunday and let him open one.

 And of course the sister were more than happy to help him open his present.  He still has one more, but it will have to wait until his birthday party or he won't have much to open.

 At Christmas Ethen  got two big trucks and now for his birthday he added a tractor. The three are a great set to play with together. They love using them with legos. It will be even more fun when it finally gets warm and we can take them to the beach and play with the in the  sand. 

Thank you grandma Pam and Nana and Papa!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Center Piece

For young womens, we had a mother and daughter program. It was based of the book Beautiful a parable for women and young women.  The parable is about finding all  10 of the kings keys. Which would mean striving to find and develop 10 divine attributes that will help us become worthy to enter the kings kingdom.
I really wanted to decorate with keys and this is what i came  up with as our Center piece. Not to shabby for only $4.50. We decorated with blue and silver. Blue table cloth and silver plates and napkins. Made blue and silver buntings to hang around the room. I really wish I had brought my camera that night to take pictures. It turned out really nice. But at least I have a pictures of the center piece. It will look great on my front door. Can't wait to hang it for Spring.

Mommy's Lil Helper

This little man is mommy's lil helper. I can always count on him to help me with the housework. He loves to help me vacuum,  fill and empty the dishwasher, and even help with laundry.  Just the mention of Vacuum and he goes running to the front room closet to try and pull it our for me. He will fight me for it until I let him have his turn. I have to let him vacuum the same spot for at least 10 minutes before he hands it off to me to finish the rest of the house.  

when it comes to laundry he get pretty angry if I try to take the basket of clothes downstairs without him.He loves throwing the clothes into the washer and bringing clean baskets of clothes back up stairs. Now if I can just get him to not throw the clean clothes out of the basket when I'm folding them or walking and knocking over my nicely folded stacks of clothes. Thank you little man. Now go tell your sisters to go clean their room!

Half Birthdays!

Happy  Half Birthday Jocelyn. March is filled with  many birthdays for our family.  Jocelyn wanted in on the celebration too. So we did an un-birthday party for her. Her half birthday happens to be March 1st.
The big 5 1/2.

 She helped me make her cake. She wanted a pink cake with Strawberries.   We put strawberries in the cake and on top with pink frosting. It was pretty good. I couldn't find the Number 5 candle so all  she got was the 1/2 on her cake. 

 We sang her the birthday song from Alice in Wonderlnd "A very, very un-birthday". I also gave her a bracelet I got in the mail as a freebie from some website giving away free stuff. It's a little big, but she loves it!

Now on to Ethen and Elizabeth's birthdays
Lets eat some cake.