Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Presque Isle

I love going to the beach! 
I know I have said this before, but this is one of the places I will miss the most in Erie.
We have finally warmed up enough to go to the beach. The kids and I meet a few other friends from church and had lunch and played in the sand. The water was pretty cold, but that didn't stop them of getting in.
 I am not very artistic when it comes to using a camera.  Most of the time my pictures come out blurry. But these few pictures turned out pretty good.  We sat  by the life guards shack and the kids had a great time playing and running up and down the ramp before the life guards came on duty.

I hope we get a few more beach days in before we move. A few more times to hunt for beach glass, feel the sand in our toes and play in cold  Lake Erie.

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