Saturday, May 24, 2014

Welcome to Ohio!

Welcome to OHIO!!!

Ohio will be our new home for the next two years while Scott completes his 3rd and 4th year clinical rotations of  medical school. We were scheduled for rotations at  LECOM's Millcreek Hospital and several other facilities in and around the Erie area.  My husband was presented with the opportunity to accomplish all 13 rotations  at a new opening  facility, he jumped at the chance. He and one other student will be an ambassador for the school as they start this new rotation hospital facility. 

We will be re-locating to the small quaint town of Chillicothe, Ohio. Population of about 22,000 people. And Ohio's first capital. The  town's name comes from the Shawnee, a chief settlement  where their ancestors inhabited the territory for thousands of years prior to European contact. Although, small in size it is a part of the Greater Columbus Metropolitan Area. -located about 50 minutes south of Columbus. It is surrounded by farming community and situated in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains.
Winter temps in the 30's and 40's with an average of 15 inches of snow. 
 Summer temperatures in the 80's with high humidity. 

We are all excited and looking forward to this new chapter of life. But as with all big changes, it's a little scary to do something new. We have gotten comfortable here in Erie with our routine of schools, friends, and church. But these  new experiences will help us to progress, learn, and grow as individuals and a family.  This moves makes it feel like we are making progress with medical school.  2 years down and 2 more go. I think these next two years will go just as quickly as the first. My husband will be done with medical school before we know it and ready for the next adventure of residency, which could possibly be at the same hospital.

We have 5 weeks till the big move. We've packed a few things, but will wait for another two weeks before really getting things together. We  are all very excited for my parents to fly into town to help us move. This will be the 3rd time they have helped us to moved. They are awesome for all their support and sacrifice to relocate us. But I think they enjoy the perks of getting to see and explore new areas of the country.   And there will be a lot of fun things to do and see with the 4th of July celebrations coming up.

It will be hard to say goodbye to many wonderful families we have meet here. These medical school wives and  moms  have  been  life savers.  I am so thankful to have been here and have had the support and love of so many different awesome gals going through the same things we were. They kept me busy. They kept me going.  They made our experience fun and bearable. The Lord knew I would need them in my life and I am truly grateful for each one of them!
I have really enjoyed being  in the Erie. Even with the 130 something inches of snow. I have loved being in a place with 4 seasons and getting to experience snow. We will really miss the beach most of all. It's been one of those comfort places we love going and spending hours on end. It's kind of therapeutic!   We will miss going to the zoo and all the parks. We have some rally great hiking trails, but it sounds like there are some pretty amazing hiking outdoor adventures in Chillicothe too. We will be looking forward to that. 
In the next few weeks, I will drag the kids around town to  get as many pictures of Erie as I can and post them before we go. 
Here's to  OHIO and the next two years.

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