Friday, April 11, 2014

Celebrating birthdays!

Birthdays seem to last a few weeks at our house. We get to celebrate every time a package comes in the mail from family and gearing up for that awesome birthday party. Liz finally was able to open that package from Nana, and couldn't wait!  Roller Skates. She's been wanting a pair of Skates for a year or so. Her last birthday party was at the roller rink in town and that got her hooked.

The elementary school that my kids attend is great. They have some really fun extra curricular activity and events for families. And they are great at recognizing each students birthday. The have their names read in the morning announcements, visit with the principle to receive some small gifts- pencil, erasers, school cups, etc., and get to eat lunch with two guest.  A few days before their birthday, they are given a  free happy meal coupon too. Elizabeth asked Scott and I to come have lunch with her. And her birthday happen to fall on a day that Scott only had one class early that morning and he was able to take a little bit of a break and have lunch with us. She was so excited to have him there. I should have taken a picture of the two of them. We picked up MCDonald on our way and had a fun time hanging out with her and a few friends. We even were able to see Joce at her lunch time too.

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