Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Pictures

  Merry Christmas!
I love  how these turned out. It took a lot of convincing  before the kids would let me take some pictures of them. I had just bought these red frames and thought they would look cute, so we tried them out. The kids had fun making all sorts of silly faces. These were the best of what we took. 

 I love this one of Elizabeth. She looks so pretty and grown up.  
 She is the only one who had fun taking pictures and wanted me to take a lot. 

 Jocelyn did't want pictures taken at all and complained the whole time. 
 I really like the one  bottom of her. 

 Ethen was the hardest to get a picture of. I only ended up with one good one. He couldn't hold it up right or kept moving it around. We finally ended up just hanging it on him so we wasn't touching it. And this picture really says a lot  about him and his personality, so it's perfect.

 Trying to get all three  at the same time was hard. They were sick of pictures and Ethen wouldn't stop moving and Jocelyn complaining.  Elizabeth still the only willing to take pictures. This is as good as it gets. 
At least I have one good one of each individually! 

I went to Wal-mart and made a collage for family Christmas Cards.
 It's nothing fancy, but it works for me and my tiny budget. 
Family should be getting their Christmas cards in the mail in the next few days.
We love you and miss you.
Merry Christmas,
 from us.

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