Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas 2013

This year was the first time I have done all my shopping  a few weeks before
Christmas. I actually went out Black Friday and found everything I was looking for and think I spent less this year than last.  Our family was so wonderful to sent us and our children  gifts. They have been so generous, I am so thankful for all they have given to us. It's been so much more than we could have hoped or even expected!    They all fit nicely under our tree.

 We really love this Christmas  tree, and everyone who has come over  has commented on how awesome it is. It's packed with lights and can do some really neat lighting effects. Although we are surprised it has survived another season with Ethen. He has been pulling on it, tried to climb it, throwing things at it and in it. Some of the bottom lights are not working properly now and we are pretty sure it do to Ethen's ruff housing with it. Hopfully we will get a few more good years out of it.

 The kids slept in until about 8am and then came to our room to get us.  It was nice to sleep for so long, since we were up late getting presents wrapped. Scott and I came down first to put a few things in order. They quickly came down and  were so excited to see how many presents were under the tree. Scott had them sit down and he started handing out presents to each of them.

The kids dived into their presents  and wrapping paper went flying in every direction.  I didn't even get to see what presents come from who. But they received some really wonderful things. Shirts, dresses, dolls, games, money,  sleds, X-box games, trains, train tracks,and that just some of what I can remember. Sorry my photos turned out so blurry, they were moving around so much I couldn't get a still shot.  Too much excited and joy.

 Scott and I even made a wish list for each other and that was really fun to get a few things from the other. We usually just focus on the kids and don't waste money on ourselves. But with all the great black Friday deals, we could actually afford to get things for each other this year.
 All of our snow had melted   a few days before and we were really hoping for more to come by Christmas. The day before and on Christmas, we got about 3 or 4 inches. just enough for Scott to take the kids out and try their new sleds. It wasn't much of a hill to slide down, but they sure did try  and had fun doing it.

 Scott even got in on the action and went down the hill a time or two on Ethen's sled. The next day we took the sleds out to an area with a larger hill and had a great time sledding. Although, I gave Scott some bad advice and told him to run and jump onto the sled with his knees. Thinking he could go faster down the hill.
He ran and jumped on and his knees when right through the sled breaking it. So Ethen's sled is now in the garbage. We need to get him another one. Good thing they are only $4.99.
The kids keep begging Scott to take them out sledding. He has taken them a time or two, but we need mores snow.  They will  have to wait for the snowplow pile and then they will have a good hill to sled down.

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