Monday, December 16, 2013

Snow day

We finally have some snow. 
We've been wondering when we were going to  get a good amount. We have had a little here and there, an inch or two and then melt away. We are really hope to have a White Christmas.  
It been snowing for the last two days and here we are with about 7 inches! The kids are so excited to have so much snow. I have to admit I am too. The roads are snow packed and  cars are sliding off the roads so we are not going any where if we don't have to.  The snowplow comes around and we get this huge pile at the end of our parking lot. With this much snow it's piled up about 5 feet. It's great for sliding down. I'm just glad we don't have to shovel our walk ways. The guys who came this morning were not very happy to find the snow pile right in our walk way. It made their job a lot harder and longer for them. 
Looks like we will  have another 1 to 3 inches today.  I need to go buy some snow pants so I can get out and play in the snow with the kids.

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