Thursday, January 8, 2015

Snow Day

The kids went back to School on January 5th only to have School Canceled on the 6th, a 2 hour delay on the 7th, and  canceled again on the 8th. And we may even have another cancellation tomorrow.
We were foretasted  for  1-3 inches of snow. We ended up with about 4-5 inches. Because they don't get much snow here, they cancel school over the smallest little flurry. So the kids have had a great time being out in the snow and sledding down our neighbors hill the last few days. Which is just right of the tree in the first picture.  Today the temperatures are frigid. We woke up to -6 degrees. I think our high is only 14 degrees, but yet my kids are still willing to go out and play in it.
I am not a fan of the cold, but I do like the snow. It just looks to pretty to me Seeing everything all blanketed in the  
fluffy white stuff. 
Here's to our new year, a cold blast of air and snow.  Kids out of school enjoying the semi- winter break . . . . still.
Happy New Year

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