Thursday, January 8, 2015


Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
We had a wonderful Christmas, like always, and the kids enjoyed a two week break off from school.
We were so blessed to receive numerous boxes from family back in Utah filled with presents for our family.  Every year we are spoiled by great grandparents, grandparents, and others. We really miss being able to spend our Christmas with family, but all the awesome surprises they sent let us know they love and miss us just as much.  They were more than generous this year. The kids got far more than they should have. 

As every year, we don't dare put out any presents until the kids go to sleep Christmas Eve. Not a single present to be found until they get up in the morning to see if Santa came.  We had so many gifts this year we had to pile them over to one side and under the new piano Santa brought. Yes Santa brought us a new Digital piano! He even brought a huge power wheel truck for Ethen.
Had to get at least one pictures before they started taring into presents. We  video recorded our Christmas so that our families could watch our joyous encounter. Therefore, I didn't take any pictures of them actually opening their gifts and the great things they found. Wish I had taken a few more.  But at least I  snapped a few of them that morning.

Ethen was so excited when he saw this and the girls where just as excited.  Later in the afternoon, Scott took the kids out to test drive the truck. Since we didn't have snow and the temperature was  in the 50's it was a perfect opportunity to play with it. We found that it works better when there is more weight in the car. Which is great news for the girls because now they can ride with him.  whereas  before going out, we were not going to let them ride because  we thought they were too heavy.

 The kids spent the rest of the day playing with their new toys and trying on new clothes. I spent the rest of the afternoon preparing dinner for us. We enjoyed a wonderful early dinner of ham, potatoes, rolls, green bean  casserole, jello salad, spinach dip and veggies. We ate leftovers for a good 2 or 3 days. I was great.
Thank you to all of our wonderful families! You have out done yourselves in making our Christmas a joyous and wonderful day! WE love you!

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