Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Farm House in Chillicothe Ohio

The Brower's Farm House
 When we found out Scott was able to begin his 3rd and 4th year clinical rotations at a new facility in Chillicothe Ohio, we were so excited.  But this information came quite late in the semester, which meant we only had about 12 weeks to pack up our house and move. Scott was so busy studying for his first Broad exam, we were unable to take any time to travel down and find housing for our family.  Our only two methods for finding housing was to contact members in the new ward and looking on Craigslist (It was not very promising.) You never  know what you might get. But the Lord was watching out for us and guiding us to who we needed to meet to find a place for us to come to. The Bishop put us in contact with his first Counselor, Doug Brower, who happen to have  a farm house that needed to be rented. The idea was to move into this farm house to at least get us into the area after which we could start to look for a home. We have been hard pressed to find anything that will work for us. It's either too small, too much, or too far away.  
As we have started to settle into this home, we have found that we are really enjoying the place. It was not ideal,only having one bathroom, no dish washer, no close neighbor for the kids to play with, and far from town. But these few inconveniences have melted away and don't seem to be so important. The drive into town is beautiful, and doesn't seem so long now. The Borwer's live down the road and we take the kids over for play dates once a week. Doing dishes by hand has been almost relaxing; a time I can ponder and think to myself. The bathroom issue hasn't been too bad, yet. Still wish there were two.
The house has so much room,  we are not on top of each other,  and tons of playing space outside for the kids. And of course the kids are so excited to have two black and white cats that kind of came with the house. This place has grown on all of us and we think we would like to stay for a year or two. 
The Farm house was build in 1869 and sets on about 35 acres of land.  The house has 3 large bedrooms, two upstairs and one down stairs, a large kitchen and dining room area. A mud room with a washer and dryer. There is a fire place  in the living room. The front porch is a separate room that we are not quite sure to to do with since we do not use the front door. It's barred closed. There is a spare room that is open to the kitchen, living room, and bathroom.  This is where  Ethen sleeps so that he is down stairs near us.  There are two large barn down the lane towards the front road.  Behind the house is a huge two car garage. To the left of the house is a large hill with a place for camping. A picnic table and a large fire pit. It's a wonderful view from the top of the hill. 
The house needs to  be washed, the shutters repainted, some holes in the siding to be filled, and weeding. 
I took a pictures of Jocelyn standing outside the front of the house.  Lots of weeds that need to be pulled on the side patio. Then the next picture is the back of the house where the kitchen and mud room is. The third picture is the view down the land to the front road, where the two barns are.
The really old barn is a great back drop for pictures, so we took a few while my mom and dad where with us.   They turned out great, but I  hope to get some more to update our family pictures. 
For now we are excited to live in the Brower's Farm house.  Don't think we can get any closer to living down on the farm and country living. (Unless we end up getting some chickens and cows! O'my)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! I know the kids are so glad to have such a great place and room to explore.
    Just busting with happiness for you guys!!! You deserve such an amazing place!
