Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Name is Rex!!

The girls were out of school on Monday and Tuesday for parents/teacher conferences and we needed something to do. A gal from church sent out a message inviting  others to come and play at the TREC with them. We have not yet been there and it sounded like a fun thing to go do with the kids.
The TREC (Tom Ridge Environmental Center) is at the entering of Presque Isle State Park. An Eco friendly center that displays all the various ecosystems on the isle; plants, animals, and landscapes. There is an IMax theater, Children s discovery room, food quart, gift shop, and various exhibit displays, and a bird watching area. You can also go up to a very high tower and over look the lake.

My name is REX.  T-REX.  This months exhibit is all about the T-Rex. It was pretty amazing to see! The kids really enjoyed  seeing the huge bones and other fossils. 

Ethen kept asking if it was going to bite him.

This full T-Rex was quite impressive.  I think I came up to about the knees. Sure glad these things are not still around.
That's one big femur bone!  
Ethen had a great time running around.  He loved it and it sure was hard keeping him on the right side of the chains and not touching the displays. I turned my back for one second and he's gone.  A man kindly asked if that was my child  inside the glass area with the T-Rex. YEP, that would be my son! Now I just hope he doesn't try to climb on it before I can  get over to him and pull him out.  Good thing he's so darn cute!

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