Friday, November 1, 2013

Ethen Scott

Welcome to Ethen's world!
 Now that's it's just  he and I at home we are glued at the hip most of the time. He is a mama's boy and does not like to share me with anyone. 
Most days are filled with watching Toy story, Tinkerbell,  and Thomas the train. He loves his legos and playing with trains and play dough. And of course  I get roped into playing along with him.   And some days I spend most of my day chasing him around trying to get him dressed and re-dressed.  I think he is trying to potty train himself. And this is what that looks like. . . .
 I'm pretty sure that's not where the potty seat goes Ethen!
 And I'm pretty sure it's not used for casual wear either!
He is all boy, but he does love a few girl things too. Like his sisters Pj's. We are struggling with girls wear girls clothes and boys wear boys clothes. No you can't wear you sisters pink cupcake pj's. If dad says no way, than that means no way! I guess we know how dad feels about his son wear girls  clothes. 
 Ethen loves to have me take pictures of him. I take a lot of them and I delete a lot of them.
But these are too cute to delete. I love this boy, but man does he drive me crazy sometimes! 
I love you my son!

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