Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Day

Happy Easter!
This Easter we made the kids go to church first before getting their Easter baskets and egg hunt. I wrote a note to the Easter bunny to hide the baskets in my room so that we could have them for later. they were all tucked away in my room until after church.  some of my pictures  disappeared so i don't  have the one of Scott and the kids on the couch and kids all in their Easter clothes. 
They found coloring books, pencils, stickers, notebooks, hot wheels and  two little chocolate bunnies.

 The girls also  received some things that they needed. Joce got some hello Kitty socks and Elizabeth got some new hair bands.

 I love Elizabeth's new birthday dress we found at Kohls. So springy!   It was 30% off to start with, then I had a $10 Kohl's cash and while we were in line a really nice lady handed us another $10 off on children's clothing. Making her dress only $4.oo   That's a $50.00 saving, Awesome!!  It looks great on her.

 Ethen found his candy and ate that first things. This kids loves chocolate and will  devour it in seconds.  Then we found his cars. He really likes these little cars.

We did our own Easter Dinner this year. we did  get an invite, but   Scott  wanted to study and we also wanted to have some leftovers for the rest of the week.    
We had a brown sugar ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, deviled eggs,  olives, broccoli and cauliflower.
For dessert we had raspberry crunch.   It's so good, but it has soo much sugar. Raspberries in jello on a layer of cream cheese and cool whip, over a layer of crunchy pretzels   And I made way too much. We'll  be having that for days!   It was a great day to spend some time Scott.  He took a break and really didn't do much studying. Crossing our fingers he does okay on his big test this Tuesday!

We hope all our family and friends were able to enjoy their Easter. We miss you and love you all very much.

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