Monday, April 15, 2013

8 is Great!

Happy birthday Elizabeth! She turned 8 and had a wonderful time celebrating her birthday.
Presents came in the mail  and  they were opened pretty quickly. 

 Here is grandma Pam's birthday card. 

I think she loves it. Now if i can get her to  save it, or spend it on something reasonable and not squander it away like she always seems to do. 

She was finally able to open her other gift from nana, but not without the help of Ethen. Her first cookbook. she is very excited to start making  some of these recipes  I need to look through it and find something really easy for  her to do. 

 On April 2nd we were able to have her birthday party at the roller skating rink. It was a Tuesday night and we had  the whole place to our selves for the most part. She had 9 friends come and they had a really fun time. This is Elizabeth's 3rd time skating.  she goes pretty slow and hangs on to the wall most of the time.

Elizabeth asked her dad for a special present.
 Scott- " What do you want me to get you Elizabeth?"
Elizabeth-" I just want you to come to my birthday party!"
Scott was able to come that night and it was a wonderful time for all of us to spend with him.
He even put on some skates and went out on the floor with the girls. Too bad my camera battery died  during the party. I didn't get any of him with Elizabeth or Joce. 

 This was Jocelyn's 2nd time skating and she too had a great time. Only a few falls, but got back up and kept going.  She  doesn't use the wall and ventures right out onto the floor. she's pretty brave.

This is Connor, the only boy that was invited to her party. He is in our ward and they are both in the 2nd grade together at the same school. They are pals to say the least.  He is a really cute kid and  wants to marry Elizabeth when they grow up. He tells him mom all the time that he will go on his mission and come home and marry her. 

Here are the girls from school and from church.  They were a lot of fun and very silly. I'm glad she was able to have her friends come.  It made for a great evening.

 We went to Wal-mart and picked out a Barbie cake for the party. We had cake, ice cream, and lemonade  before opening presents

  Some of the present she received where books, Barbies, jewelry, and a pair of craft color your own flip flops (which turned out pretty cool). the only thing she didn't get were a pair of roller skates. But maybe she can start saving her money up to buy a pair.

Now that Elizabeth is 8 she can attend "Activity days" at church.  All the primary age girls ages 8 to 11 get together twice a month to have fun activities. Her first one was last week and she loved it. They  learned about being healthy. they learned some yoga, did sit-up and ran in the gym. After they  made smoothies for refreshments  They each made a goal for the month. Elizabeth's goal was no sugar for a month.  That lasted for about 4 days!      That's a hard goal. maybe we should start with something a little smaller like cut out fruit snacks or only one glass of juice a day.    8 is going to be a great year!

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