Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Elizabeth's Baptism

During our trip to Utah, we had the opportunity to have Elizabeth baptized. She was baptized  into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on Saturday, July 6th, 2013. She was baptized by her dad Scott McKay Cook and confirmed by her papa, Harold Leslie Studley.
There were 3 other boys from my parents stake who were also being baptized that afternoon.  I had the opportunity to be one of the speakers before the baptism. I spoke on Taking the Sacrament. 

After the baptism, we left the stake center and went to my parents chapel for a lunch celebration. My sister and I had a lot of fun decorating the Relief Society room with the theme "8 is Great" in colors of pink, purple, and turquoise. Grandma Pam made Elizabeth's baptism dress and it looks great on her.

Family and friends came to eat lunch and bring Elizabeth a gifts to celebrate her special day. 

Her first set of Scriptures!!

Sister Debbi Drake came to the baptism and luncheon. She was Elizabeth's primary teacher,and our next door neighbor, before we moved to Pennsylvania. She is awesome!

We had taco salad, cake, and ice cream. It was really good and we had a great time being with family on this special occupation. 

I Belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint. I know who I am, I know God's plan. I'll follow Him in faith. I Believe in my Savior Jesus Christ. I'll honor His name. I'll do what is right. I'll follow His light. His truth I will proclaim.

Summer Family Pictures

While in Utah, we finally got around to doing some family pictures. They turned alright. I love the colors that the kids were wearing. It looked great with all the flours at the St. George Temple. 
I love this first picture. This is so Jocelyn!  And i love the one of just Joce and her cute dress picked out for her by papa. The feathers are just perfect with her sassy attitude. 
My mom really wanted to get up dated pictures of all the grand kids so we attempted to take some.We saw some cute ideas on pintrest and tried to copy the look. Here's what we ended up with.
I need to put a new family picture up on the wall. Our last one done two years ago. What one should I use,the one stair or in the grass? I like them both.