Monday, May 13, 2013

Blended Spirit Ranch

Jocelyn's preschool  had the opportunity to go on an equestrian field trip.  Jocelyn's friend, Kelsy, has a horse boarded at a near by ranch. Their family invited their whole class to come and rides some of the horses there. All the kids had a really fun time. It was a very good experience. The kids loved the horses!
 This was Jocelyn's second time on a horse, but the first time riding by herself.  She was a little nervouse, but did a great job.
The girls loved the little mini pony. His name was mini coup.
 I took Ethen and on the ride to the ranch he fell a sleep. After finally waking up he got to see the horses and play with the black dog who lives there with the horses.
 Joce's ride around the areana

 This boy needs a dog, he loved it more than the horses.  Some day bud, some day!

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