April 26th, my birthday. I can't believe I have turned 34. Another years has slipped away so quickly. It was wonderful to get lots of birthday wishes on facebook from friends and family. My Aunt Suzie wrote on my facebook , posting some questions to help reflect upon my year.
"Birthdays are a joyous time, but the significance of one year to the next is something we often overlook. Reflecting about your year is an important exercise in acknowledging that life is sacred and that keeping yourself healthy, strong, and independent is the only way to be. Get out there & celebrate life! LoVe YoU MuCh! Aunt SuzieQ & Uncle Charlie Too! ;-) "
1. What have been the high point and low point of the past year?
Some high points of the were getting to see my parents when they helped us move up to Erie, pa from Greensburg, Pa. . Being called as the Young Womens President in our new ward. The low points have been and will continue to be going through the emotional lows with my husband when he is stressed, overwhelmed, and down with his medical school experiences.
2. Where has the time gone? What have you spent most of your time doing?
We have pretty set routine. Elizabeth goes to school at 9am, I get ready for the day. on nice days we go outside an play till it's time for Joce to go to school. Ethen goes down for a nap while spend about 2 hours doing all the things I need to do for Young Womens. The girls come home from school, and they all play while I cook dinner. Scott comes home, we eat dinner, read scriptures and back to playing until 8pm. Kids get ready for bed and in bed at 9pm. Scott and i get to bed about 10:30pm. It starts all over the next day. We run errands on Saturday and go the Church on Sunday. Wednesday night is young womens activities. Seems like we are pretty busy.
3. What kind of maturity or experience have you gained throughout the year?
Often times I look at myself and don't feel like I am as mature as I ought to be. I see some of the other women in at church who are about the same age and they come across as mature, refined, experienced and knowledgeable. I am always wishing I were more knowledge and could speak with elegance. There are always opportunities to grow in these ways, but I find excuses or get lazy in taking those chances.
But since being called as the Young Womens president in the Young Womens origination I have been put in a unique position which compels me to live in a more mature manner. My action and words are always being noted and judged. I have an obligation to the Lord, myself, and the youth to learn more and know more so that I can teach them who them are and how to live , good, joyful, and righteous lives. I am still far from where I want to be and know I can be, but I am getting closer through this calling and I think the Lord put me here to help me get to where I want to be.
4. Make sure you’re living up to your potential.
Potential: capable of becoming something. what am trying to become? I think there are many things I am trying to become. In last year, I have been working towards becoming a better cook and baker. Become more in tuned with the wisperings of the spirit. Becoming more soft spoken to my children. Trying to become more inspired to try new things, develop new skills, and get out my comfort zone. Because most days are so much of a routine, I don't have much time to develop skills and talents. I am so busy doing life's daily duties, my self developments gets put on hold. It's trying to find those moments each day or setting time aside to improve who I am. I can become someone better if i just had the time. But since time is not a lecturer, I am improving and developing just a little at a time, a little here and a little there.
5. How does another year sound?
Another year sounds great! This year, Scott and I will be celebrating our 14th anniversary! My oldest daughter will be Baptized. We will get to spend our summer with family back in Utah. I will have 2 kids in school all day come September! My husband will be starting his second year of medical school. Have the opportunities to meet new people when other medical student families move here for school. Many things to look forward to!
The best thing about my day, the unexpected gift from my husband. I woke up to find a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses. They were awesome and last for about a week on my kitchen table. Along with the roses there was bag of chocolate covered pomegranate from Sam's club. They were so good and the next time we get over to Sam's we will be picking up another bag and maybe try one of the other flavors as well. In the midst of the flowers I found a wonderful letter from Scott. For him to take time off from study and go and get these things is a huge deal. It is a very big sacrifice for him to do something like this. So It really means a lot to me that he thought about me and took that time. I am very grateful to him, it made me feel very loved! so here is to another year of learning, growing, doing, laughing, crying, and getting older some more. Cheers!