Tuesday, February 26, 2013


We started Valentines day off with  breakfast
Elizabth wanted red  scrambled eggs and toast , but of course the eggs turned out orange instead. 
O'well, I tried. 
Elizabeth looks so cute in her valentines outfit. So sparkly!

The night before, we ran to the store and grabbed valentines  candy  and cards for class parties. They each had their class list and they picked each card for their friends.  Jocleyn even wrote her name on all the cards. A few days before valentines the kids got a package from their nana and papa.  They had fun opening their cute little bags filled with treats, toys, and socks. thank you nana and papa!  Lots of chocolate to go around.

Dude! put on a shirt!
another monkey to add to his growing collection of stuffed monkeys

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