Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Jocelyn's Early B-day present

Jocelyn will turn 6 in two weeks. Since we have moved from Utah, she is the one child that always seems to get skipped when it comes to birthdays. This year we decided to make sure that we got her something extra special.  She has been riding a bike from her cousin that is now too small and has both tires that are flat.  We keep telling her we will get  new tires, but have failed to do so for at least a year now.   So I knew a bike was what we needed to get her. I started looking for new bikes and found most were in the $60.00 to $90.00 price range.  That's a little out of our budget, so I turned to Craigslist.  There were quite a few children's bikes and  these prices' were what I could afford.  I know she wanted pink or purple, but this little blue beauty was almost like new and only $25.00. I couldn't pass it up. Scott and I made arrangements to buy the bike and loaded up the kids  and drove across town to pick up Joce's new bike for her birthday. Even though it's blue, she loves it. She is so excited to have a bike that works.  

She  has had her bike for two weeks now and is riding it pretty well. Only one or two falls. She is gaining more confidence to ride a little faster and learning how to turn corners. She still gets frustrated some times, but her legs are getting stronger and it's getting easier to ride. Happy early birthday Joce! We love you. All that's left to do is throw her a birthday party.  Hmmm,  what to do?