Friday, January 25, 2013

Cooking Dinner

Here is Elizabeth  helping me cook dinner. She has been asking to help me lately, so I finally  got out a really easy recipe that she could pretty much do herself. She had a great time putting it together.
Beef Cups

Brown the ground beef and add taco seasoning.

 Flates Pilsbury Biscuts and place them in a cupcake tin.

Fill with meat,  add some cheese, and cook for 15 minutes.

She was very proud of dinner and it turned out great.  Yummy.

Snow day

I lost my battery charger for my camera so I  was not able to take pictures for the last few weeks. I came across it finally and got my camera back up and going. 

Anyway- At Christmas time we got a few inches of snow and it was a lot of fun to play in. It was short lived. 
We have been waiting for the big dump of snow  people keep saying Erie gets in the winter time. We finally  have it. Went to sleep and woke up to this. 15 inches of fresh  powdery snow.   Good thing the kids were off school for the holiday weekend. It's been snowing on and off  every day for the last 5 days. The roads have been snow packed and the temperatures  have been in the teen's.   This first picture is looking our front window.   We have enjoyed all the snow!  And driving in the snow has not been too bad. I'm  gaining more experience, but try to stay off the roads  unless I really have to go out. 
It's really nice that we have snow removal provided for us. They are quick to plow the  parking lots and shovel our walk ways. We just have to be mindful of getting out early to warm up the cars and scrap down windows before we go any where. That can take some time. Plus it take a little longer to get to where you are going with everyone driving slowly.   

 Getting Elizabeth ready for the bus in the morning  takes some time, but the worst is waiting for the bus to come in the freezing cold. Good thing they have heated buses.
Yesterday there was finally a brake in the clouds and we had some sunshine. It was a very beautiful site out our back door. The kids were able to play on the snow bank when Elizabeth got home from school. We have a long orange sled and the kids love sliding down the little hill. Ethen especially.

We are due for some more snow this weekend. So we might get up to almost 2 feet.  I think we are getting use to the cold or at least we are dressing warm enough that it doesn't bother us too much.  We are really enjoying it here and having a winter season.